Ways I’ve Been Managing Stress

Recently, I have found that there are more ways to manage stress than the things that stress me out. So, I want to share a couple of the strategies and methods I use to de-stress.

Reading- I think recently I’ve been able to actually concentrate on just reading and clearing my thoughts. I think it really helps having a book or a magazine (not on your phone) to focus your thoughts and attention on. Get lost in a good book because you may find that your stress is all in your head.

Journaling- It’s almost become a habit because I think and feel that when my mind is racing with thoughts and concerns it’s better to just write it down and be able to come back to it. Simple as that, and there is no wrong way to journal so don’t be afraid that you’re not doing it right.

Exercise- I think this is probably one of the easiest ways to ease an anxious or stressed mind. Through physical movement we may find that our bodies take on more stress than we think, and it’s important to release those endorphins and reduce the negative effects of stress.

Sleeping- Getting a good nights rest is so important it really does help. I use an app called Insight Timer to help me fall asleep and it has benefitted me greatly I highly recommend. I use this app day and night whenever I need help managing my stress.

Limit Coffee- We all know some cannot live without it, but remember caffeine is a stimulant and can put our bodies into fight or flight mode which increases anxiety and stress. Try saying no to that second or third cup I know it’s hard but it will be worth it.

Limit Alcohol- Alcohol takes a psychological and physiological toll on the body and may actually compound the effects of stress. So, while it does help you relax it’s only short term and we should be mindful of that.

Personal Day- Whether it’s getting cozy and watching a movie, listening to music and cleaning, or taking the time to pamper yourself its essential to spend time on yourself. It could also be meditation or breath work that gives you a sense of calm, and it can also help you gain a new perspective on stressful situations you are in. Sometimes a personal day is just going on a hike with a friend or significant other to de-stress.

I hope we all find the time in our daily lives to do at least one of these things that’ll ultimately help reset our bodies and minds and bring us a sense of calm in the busy and stressful world we live in.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
— William James


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